Our family zip code chronology:
1. 10023 (2005-2011)
2. 10024 (2011-2019)
3. Nomads (current)
4. ????? (June 2020 - ?)
Snail Mail...Outbound Only
While we can’t accept snail mail while traveling around the world for a year, friends and family will certainly receive some while we are on the road (100% thanks to Sarah).
In summer of 2020, we’ll put down roots and once again have a zip code we call home. The timing is driven by the need to enroll girls in school to begin 4th grade (Paige) and 2nd grade (Sadie) in Fall of 2020.
Back to New York? maybe
More outdoor lifestyle? not sure
Near an ocean? maybe
Better weather? maybe
West coast? maybe
House or apartment? who knows
Abroad? perhaps
How Will We Decide Where to Live?
We’re not totally sure, but we’ve got time to decide. Prior to heading abroad, we are spending a couple weeks in Denver and Seattle, two cities we’re curious to learn more about, but have spent very little time in.
Choice is Good
We may decide early on in our trip, waffle back and forth all year, seek advice from a fortune teller in India, or figure it out in the last day of our adventure. In whatever form it reveals itself, we’re fortunate to be able to choose where we want to put down our roots once again.
Last Stop on the Global Subway?
Stay tuned...