Sharing our plans with family, friends and colleagues has most typically been met with stunned silence, follow by hugs/high-fives and finally rapid fire questions. Here's a collection of the most frequently asked.
What are you doing?
We are off on a family adventure to explore the world for a year.
Where are you going?
Cliff Notes version: North America (1 month) -> Europe (2 months) -> Middle East (1 month) -> South East Asia (3 months) -> Oceania (2 months) -> Asia (1 month). See more details on our itinerary here.
Will you really be gone a whole year?
Yeppers. We departed New York City at the end of June 2019. After a month visiting family & friends in the US, we head overseas and will return (somewhere - TBD) in June 2020.
Is this something you've thought about for a long time?
The short answer is yes. Traveling has always been a part of our DNA for decades. Sarah studied abroad in high school (Chile) and college (Spain), and had several global work years abroad (London & Argentina). Doug traveled the world for 5 years after college playing professional tennis on the ATP tour. A family adventure like this is something we have aspirationally spoken about for years, even prior to having children.
How did the girls respond to the news?
Initial response was generally positive, with some questions peppered in. Some quotes from the girls and the audio recording of the reveal here.
What do you have to do to prepare?
Lots in a short timeline! In February 2019, we said “let’s do this.” By end June we had shut down our life in NYC, planned the bones of our trip and were officially nomads with no address to call home. Planning for this trip has been an epic - but enjoyable - feat!
Learn how we pulled it off.
What about school for the girls?
Ahhh. Fair question! We will be homeschooling the girls over the next year, which will cover their 1st (Sadie) and 3rd (Paige) grades. Being responsible for the girls' education is new territory for us, but we’re giving it our best shot and we know the girls will thrive in the world classroom over the next year.
And Work?
We're taking a break. Our priority is spending time with the girls, exploring the world and learning from people we meet along the journey.
Did you keep your apartment in NYC?
Nope. After almost 14 years in the Upper West Side, we gave up our apartment. It was bittersweet; we loved our place and our landlord & her kids. We're now officially nomads ;)
What Are you Doing with All Your Stuff?
In short, we got rid of the majority of it. We've always aspired to not accumulate too much stuff; we're all about prioritizing experiences over things. Despite our best efforts, there was still a ton to get rid of, even in a 900 sq ft NYC apartment. Through a combination of donation, recycling, and a "stoop sale" we unloaded 90%+ of our stuff. The rest is in a family basement (thanks Jeff & Barbara!).
Will You Go Back to NYC After the Year?
We're not sure and that's simply part of the adventure. We've loved our time in NYC and may very well end up back in the Big Apple, but we're open to considering other places to land.
What Are You Taking With You?
Carry on luggage only! See more about our luggage in this post and if you'd like to peek inside our bags, check it out (post coming soon).
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