In 2006 I was introduced to a "really cool" company by Tim, an investor in Mimeo. After introductions and a gauntlet of interviews I found seat, selling an amazing product with awesome people.
Mimeo took me, a kid fresh off the tennis courts and gave me an opportunity. That continued through the years as I moved through no fewer than eight roles within Sales & Marketing teams over 14 great years.
I was lucky to work with people everyday that I was excited to see, both current and Mimeo alumni alike. I made lots of mistakes along the way, but was given the latitude to do so.
The Final Days
Telling my direct team I was leaving Mimeo was the single hardest day of my career. As news of my plans trickled throughout the company the support I received was nothing short of amazing.
The Final Day
I was told there was going to be a celebration of some type on my last day and to invite Sarah and the girls. You'll see in the pictures below it was incredibly thoughtful and testament to why I enjoyed working with Mimiacs for 14 years!