It's been 80 days exclusively drinking bottled water. The last time we drank from the tap (or brushed our teeth with tap water) was the end of October in Israel.
Arriving in Singapore today feels more first world than even home. We haven't seen this many Americans since we were on American soil back in July. We celebrated by each taking a turn at a drinking fountain as soon as we got off the plane.
Keeping on the water theme, we were greeted in Singapore airport by the "Rain Vortex", the tallest indoor waterfall in the world.
Wildcat Reunion in Singapore
We missed our 20 year Northwestern reunion this Fall. Our hope is to make up for it this week in Singapore with our friend Will. Will is a fraternity brother from Northwestern who has lived in Asia the past 20 years, the past 6 in Singapore with his wife Sachiyo and son Billy (11 years old).
Tennis Anyone?
Billy is a sports fiend. Sachiyo is a tennis nut. We dropped our bags and within minutes we crossed the street to join the family in a game of tennis at the American Club. We had good fun all getting out on the court.
Playgrounds and parks are something that sorely lack in the rest of Southeast Asia, so we all thoroughly enjoyed getting active.
We finished up with a dip in the pool and dinner poolside.
Great to catch up with some old friends and for a brief moment have it feel a bit like home in some ways. We're looking forward to a great week in Singapore with Will, Sachiyo and Billy!