We’ve been asked by many if our year of travel is flying by. Great question.
Upon reflection, it’s not flying. Nor is it going at a snail’s pace. It’s honestly *just right*.
Here’s my theory (not rocket science) . . . While we’re traveling we don’t have the weekday vs weekend cadence of time that we did previously in NYC. During the week, we were head-down in the daily routines of school and work and all the demands and pulls of our time that went along with that. Hours would fly by. Days would blur. Before we knew it, the week would be over and we’d hardly be able to account for our time, if asked.
Instead, while we’re traveling, we enjoy flexibility and churn in our schedule. No two days are alike. We don’t have to be awake and out the door by a certain time; or if we do, it’s because we’ve chosen to. Each day is different, with a different pace, activities and things to do. That variance slows down our perception of time, in the best way possible. It’s almost like we’ve accomplished in one day what would have taken us one week to accomplish back home, in terms of extracurricular activities, learning and family bonding. So in that sense, time seems to stretch nicely while we’re traveling.
We’re relatively face paced in how we move along to new destinations. We’ve slowed down relatively in this back half vs. the front half, but overall we’re still moving at a pretty decent pace. That churn of location stimulates and excites us. It adds to the feeling that we’re maximizing our time on the global road. Which, in my opinion, curbs against time feeling like it’s zooming by too fast.
Net, net: I’m pleasantly surprised to reflect that time is moving along at a really nice speed. Without the daily responsibility of work and school (in the traditional sense of the word), we are able to lean into being a family and experiencing all that our world destinations have to offer. We’re far more present in the moment, which leads us to have even more appreciation for the time we have together.
Perhaps once our travels are over we’ll reflect differently (It flew by!) but for now, it feels just right.